

Specialist for process, tool-chain and project reporting setup - automotive - POZICE OBSAZENA

We are searching for a specialist for process, tool-chain and project reporting setup. Start preferably in July 2023.

  • Primary goal: Assure compliance of project to aSPICE level 2. Project must pass assessments audits.
  • Through communication with project lead, SW project lead, quality manager and key sub-process owners in the project team map, optimize and document processes applied during delivery of the SW development project. Organization of processes and work products must comply with company quality handbook and aSPICE norm.
  • Project processes range from project management process, through engineering processes (requirements analysis, arch. design, detailed design, unit/integration/qualification testing) to quality management process, configuration/problem/change management process.
  • Coordinate all key project team stakeholders along a preset timeline towards step-by-step achievement of processes maturity as defined by aSPICE level 2 process assessment model.
  • Coordinate tuning of all components / tools involved in the overall tool-chain solution utilized by the project.
  • Create definitions of measurable metrics that will report about efficiency of the project operation and overall project status.

  • Experience with delivery of SW development projects or similar projects from the position of a project manager, process specialist or quality manager.
  • Experience with project work organization from multiple perspectives. In the means of all or most of the key process groups listed above.
  • Experience with use of tools like - Jira, Jira Structure Plugin, Confluence, CodeBeamer, BitBucket (or GIT in general).
  • Very good English language skills in both verbal and written form. Ability to formulate process related documents and guidelines.
  • Nice to have - Certification/formal training in project management/requirements management.
  • Nice to have - Jira administration experience.
  • Nice to have - Agile SCRUM experience.
Please contact us for more information:
Martina Machurová
+420 734 200 083
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Kontaktujte nás

Vinohradská 89/90, Praha 3, 130 00

Prorektorská 671/4, Praha 10, 108 00

+420 732 939 825
IČO: 24167177|DIČ: CZ24167177

Společnost je zapsaná v obchodním rejstříku vedeném u Městského soudu v Praze, oddíl C, vložka 184887.

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* Údaje označené hvězdičkou je nutné vyplnit.

+420 732 939 825
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